Yes! Great documentary. ‘was gonna ask if you’ve seen it yet

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After watching the documentary, one question remained in the back of my mind, by large are we not equipped to deal with information? The internet and the range of communication is massive, but as a society we didn’t know how to question, how to view and how to analyze all the information being blasted towards each trip on the internet.

Thousands of people with capable working brains got convinced that the world is flat. After that you can get away with practically any lie. Social Media saw this and did nothing, I doubt change will come from them. How do we prepare society to deal with the sea of misinformation?

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I always thought the technocrat's lure would be more "shiny object" than reality distortion, which shows how naive and malleable I truly am.

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not at all, i’ve always thought the same too. but apparently political power is more alluring these days

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Also, in that documentary what stood out to me is how so many of these insiders acknowledged their own weaknesses, still, to the desires of their creations-we know these things aren't good, and may even know the corruption behind it but like everyone knows this about the drug trade, users accept it as another cost of dependency.

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