Morning Comrades.
This is the last dispatch of the year, unless something noteworthy pops up and considering this past year, well, you might just hear from me. I hope not, but all guarantees are out of the window, for everything.
There is no need to bore you with predictions or past wisdom’s, I believe the body of work offered in here over the past few years spells all those out clearly but a few points remain to be said.
There is no future scenario in which “we” will be spared from the already existing consolidation of power by modern day fascist and any person that is relying on some sort of saving in shape of a modern day rebellious leader has to clearly understand that this project is not advocating reformism of any kind, nor the pea-sized brain delusions of a marvel / star wars type rebellion against those in power. All that makes for great entertainment but we are in the business of facing facts.
The facts are that the western powers, whom we’ve been conditioned to believe to be the bastion of freedom, democracy and equality are the exact opposite and that due to the nature of their economic system have decided that they are safe enough in their positions of power to let their interpretation of fascism rule. There was never going to be return to the 20th Century Italian and German type of Fascism that defined so much of the past century and the current crop of megalomanic racist Capitalist have proven as much. The unholy alliance of tech in the shape of the Thiel’s, Musk’s, Bezo’s and Zuckerberg’s that will define existence in the West for the next foreseeable future, one that will make Skynet look like Disneyland combined with a mask off Eurocentric White Supremacist Pseudo Christian Racism are here and we have to not only accept that but deal with it. Such is the world. Fuck sugar coating anything, it’s time to focus, and like those protein-shake selling “bro’s” say, lock in.
Our beginning is now.
Each according to their ability for each according to their need.
If you haven’t already, the time to get real is now.
With that being said, two offerings to you, my dear comrades and friends.
Considering how expectedly Spotify fucked up everyone’s end of year review by firing their teams for Wrapped and rely on some inept algorithm being sold as AI, here is my definite End of Year playlist for you. I wish I still had the time to do weekly Black Lodges Jam’s but this will have to do. As in the years before, this is a 5hr selection of songs that I have greatly enjoyed lately, entirely irrespective of genre and the theme. It’s an incredible privilege to age and remain interested in music, the highest form of art in my opinion, and the ever expanding interest outside of my first love of Metal has proven nothing short of glorious. Such is the vibe of this 5hr long journey. There are a few genre’s of music missing but they simply don’t exist much here and yeah. For you to enjoy.
Secondly, another gift. Many of you I’d imagine subscribed to this newsletter for the original purpose, to receive news of new merch that I used to put out under the Black Lodges monicker. My current path is a different one but I hear the calls for new gear, and with that, here is a download folder of the ten most popular brand rips I did over the last 15 years. All files contained are vector files, ready to print and you can do with them as you wish. The only favour I ask is to leave whatever you do with them outside a profit based sphere. For one, it’ll help you keep out of trouble and secondly, the reason I made these were always to raise money for a needed cause. That’s it.
The download link is active for THREE DAYS only.
Lastly, thank you. To the 10s of thousands of people that read these musings weekly. I try not to get numbers get to me and but the sheer scale of this project is staggering at times and I will continue to do my best to not waste anyone’s time and offer introductions to thoughts, praxis and future possibilities to the best of my ability.
Together we grow, together we heal, together we will beat their insanity and together we will build the world we all so desperately need.
Yours, warmly,
First they came for the Communists.
And I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists.
And I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists.
And I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews.
And I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me,
And there was no one left to speak out for me.
By Martin Niemöller
Thank you. Take care of yourself. January is going to be a bitch.